My most tumultuous so-called "relationship" to date. He was a SAE fraternity boy, vain, rude, vulgar, smart, compulsive liar, social, sweet and so fun. He was one of those guys that everyone hated and talked about behind his back, but the minute that he walked in a room the same people would turn and say hello and invite him over for a drink. I am pretty positive his idol was Tucker Max and if you haven't read his book, his movie will be coming out shortly for your viewing pleasure. Anyway, he was a cheater. Unlike other incidents, I was well aware (for the most part) of his wandering eyes and his inexplicable tendency to go missing from time to time. I was guilty of it as well, he demanded we have a committed relationship, but I really couldn’t take him seriously and was having my own fun. When we were “together” I was good, but otherwise I did my own thing.
There were several girls that were ALWAYS an issue. Calling late, crying at the bar because he had walked in with me, showing up randomly wherever we were, and texting late night.
I know you must be thinking why the hell I would deal with all this knowingly and all I can say is that it was a mixture of temporary insanity and also I think I enjoyed the games, but the bottom line was there was a lot of passion when it came to him and I. We were terrible towards each other, yet we got off on it like a bad habit that you just can quit. I have several stories about this one as well, so I'll break it up into different entries. This particular story is about the time I found out about "Carly".
Carly got hired to work at the same bar I worked at and when I met her she seemed nice enough. She had a boyfriend, who coincidentally also worked in the same bar that he worked at. She and my roommate hit it off, so she was always around my apartment and I got to know her pretty well. Apparently, she knew him from their hometown and they were good friends; such good friends in fact, that she would call and text one too many times. I told him I did not feel comfortable with her texting late at night (3 AM) or being so flirtatious sometimes. He said it was all in my head, I asked my roommate and she confirmed that maybe I was looking too much into it. So, I let it go.
He and I had a routine: we would break up, cool off, and then after a few days make up and get back together. Well this time it was over Christmas break when we got in a huge fight about something or other, while he was out of town with his family. When he got back, he came in while I was working, we made up and after he was going to come over my place after I got off work. My roommate and I were working together that night, so we took one car and on the way home she asked me if he and I were back together. I told her we were and asked why. Her face turned pale and she started stammering something about her not telling me because she thought we were over…She went on to explain that Carly and my boyfriend had a late night watching a “movie” i.e. they hooked up while I was away. I freaked out, called him and told him not to come to my place because it was over. He then showed up and banged on my door till he was let in, and begged and pleaded for me to believe that he didn’t do it. That it was a lie that Carly or my roommate made up and that he would call her right now and ask in front of me. So I told him go ahead and call. He called and on speakerphone she denied the whole thing and said she had never and would never do that. My roommate asked her to tell the truth and to stop lying, which turned into huge he said/she said yelling match. I slapped him and locked him out of my room, called Carly back and left the following message:
“Carly, you better reconsider coming into town. I suggest you stay where you are or go in to work and quit as soon as you are back, because if I see you anywhere near me I’m going to kill you and personally drag your dead body out of the bar, through the parking lot and bury you. This is not a threat, it’s a promise.”
Well…not my proudest moment, but what can I say? I was obviously in a red haze of anger. Anyway, I got a call the next day from Carly’s mommy and dad saying they were going to put a restraining order on me or try to press charges and that they were going to notify the owners at the bar so they would fire me, to which I responded:
“Do what you need to do, and also you might want to ask Carly why it is I left that message. I’m sorry that she is not adult enough at 20 years old, to handle her problems and felt the need to waste your time. Thank you for calling and have a great day!”
So I go into work and my bosses are shaking their heads at me.
Me: “What are you gonna fire me?”
They replied: “Of course not, it happened outside of work and you’ve been working here longer, she’s only been here for 3 months.”
Carly never showed up to work again; I never heard a peep from the authorities, and/or her parents. To get her back for lying and being a terrible friend my amazing roommate took the liberty of hooking up with Carly’s boyfriend a few months later. I think it’s safe to say we definitely won this battle and hey, all is fair in love and war right?
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