The Brit

This is what I learned in the last 9 months.

1- Next time I should try to date someone with similar religious beliefs. An atheist and a Christian won’t usually end up happily ever after.

2- A guy who asks you to sign a pre-nup if you get married, well that should’ve been a sign.

3- I’m all about independence. But when he says he wants all the finances to be equal, (even when he makes way more money) keep walking! Cheap=NOT CUTE

4- If he’s not close to any of his family, his parents included, chances are he’s not going to let himself be close to anyone who loves him. (I met his family and they were all very sweet and nice people, he just doesn’t like spending time with them).

5- If you date a guy who is insecure, he’ll always have it in the back of his mind that he doesn’t deserve you.

6- If you date someone who is selfish, they will always put their needs before you. You will get the shit end of the stick.

7- If you choose to date a loner, chances are that’s how it will end. Him. Alone. Again. They like solitude; they will eventually go back to it.

8- No matter how much you care about someone, sometimes that just isn’t enough. You need a bit of compassion, understanding, patience, and commitment in the mix to make it last.

9- Even though he wasn’t a cheater or a liar, he was a coward…which I think is almost as bad.

10- Finally, a guy who refuses to own a pot or a pan because he doesn’t want to “collect” unnecessary items is NOT ready for anything serious.

Who would've thought that you would have become just another entry in my silly little blog? Isn't it ironic.


  1. OMG!! I think you just described my ex!!!!!


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