The Frat Boy

I dated one too many frat guys. Actually most of the guys I'll write about on here were in either SAE, ATO, SIGMA CHI, SIGMA PHI EPSILON... You get the idea :)

One in particular stands out because I had just gotten back from my summer Euro trip and he was new at work. He was 19 and I was 22? Ugh he was younger than my brother, but so cute I could not resist. A bit shy, reserved, devastatingly handsome micro biology major, if I recall correctly. Yet, somehow a bit stupid. Did I mention he was really hott??? Anyway, one night we went out and got wasted and I ended up at his fraternity house. (Yes, he lived at the house.)

I hated staying there because there was never any privacy and also I was pretty much the oldest person when I walked in there, it was a bit embarrassing. But in my drunken stupor, I was not in any position to drive (neither was he), so I crashed there. I woke up the next morning with a terrible headache, the worst case of cotton mouth, and eye makeup smeared everywhere. (So attractive, let me tell you). I popped some Advil and was almost asleep when suddenly...

"I don't care what my teacher says, I'm gonna be a chi omega and everyone is gonna dress like me.
Wait and see. I wanna be a chi omega.
And my hair will shine like sea, eeeeeeeeaaa. And everyone will wanna look just like me, meeeeeeeeee.
Cause I'm young and hip, and so beautiful...I'm gonna be a chi OMEGA!"

me- "WTF is that?!"
Frat boy- "Sorry babe, the chi-o's don't have a house so they are using ours to practice for rush."
me- "They're gonna practice here everyday?"
Frat boy- "Pretty much, but it's ok babe just go back to sleep."
me- "Um, yea totally forgot I have class. I gotta go babe, see you at work or something!"

I never spent the night there again and we stopped talking soon after. I'll be damned if those girls are waking me up at 9 AM every morning, singing their own atrocious version of "I wanna be a supermodel". I don't care how cute he was.
