How to Lose a Guy in 10 Ways

Guess what movie I was watching when this blog entry came to mind? These are simple things any girl can do, if they're looking to send the boy RUNNING.

10- Jump into bed with him on the first night.
I understand that there are times when you meet someone and sparks fly...Things happen. But, ladies keep in mind that the guy will assume if you did it with him, you'll do it with the next guy too.

9- Expect him to pay for everything.
I know I have made it clear that no one likes a cheap date. On the other hand, no one likes a gold digger so don't be afraid to offer to pay for things every once in a while.

8- Talk about your ex.
This one guys and girls alike are guilty of. No one really wants to know all the gory details of what really went down in your past. If he asks, keep it short and sweet. Do not badmouth your ex, do not talk about how the sex was, and just don't bring them up in general.

7- Act like your relationship is taking part in a romantic comedy.
Well, I love pretending that my relationship will end up like every chick flick out there. Happily Ever After with my very own prince charming, but the reality is life just doesn't work that way. No guy wants to try to live up to that expectation.

6- Pressure him into calling you his girlfriend.
That just NEVER works. It's like when you tell someone not to do something, more often than not they are going to do it because you told them not to. There is no need to pressure him, it will either happen naturally or if he's not willing to commit after a good amount of time kick him to the curb, before he starts running.

5- Revolve your life around him.
Big mistake. Guys like girls that have their own things going on and can respect a girl with hobbies and interests that do not involve him. Make sure that while you are building a relationship with someone, that you don't stop building the relationship you have with yourself.

4- Get disgustingly wasted.
Let's be honest. No one likes babysitting, especially if babysitting includes dealing with vomit, crying, and passing out. It's just not attractive and unless you're in college it's pretty inexcusable.

3- Pressure him into proposing.
Nothing takes the romance out of a proposal like having your annoying girlfriend talking about when he's going to "pop the question". Marriage is a big step and you shouldn't have to force anyone into asking you, they should be more than willing to ask. He'll do it when he is ready, but if you've been dating for 3 years, you're 28 years old and he hasn't brought it up...I give YOU permission to run!

2- Nag him to death.
Even though we LOVE nagging, "you never want to cuddle", "call me more", "why don't you send me flowers", (you get the point) sometimes it is a little much. Learn how to make subtle hints to him using positive reinforcement instead of straight up nagging.

1- Be emotionally slutty.
This is the most common mistake girls make upon meeting guys or when starting relationships. Do not say "I love you" after 3 dates! Don't tell him all about what he makes you "feel", don't jump into the relationship quickly, keep the mystery going and just remember relationships are a marathon not a race.
